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Who We Are

Nullam sit amet turpis ornare, pulvinar lectus in, cursus mi. Duis et nunc eu ligula imperdiet vulputate in mattis elit. Duis sodales tempor pulvinar. Quisque quis mi egestas turpis dignissim tincidunt sed vel neque. Quisque nec facilisis sem. In at commodo velit. Aliquam tempor volutpat laoreet. Quisque non tellus eleifend arcu gravida aliquam. Vivamus quis consequat nisl, nec luctus libero. Nam sodales sem egestas sem blandit volutpat.

What We Do









Tonnes of wheat
Tonnes of corn
Milk Products
Tons of meat

Our Product

Banana madura EcoF Nacional

0 out of 5
190.00$ / Kg


Banana orgânica


A banana orgânica é uma alternativa saudável e ecologicamente correta à banana convencional. Cultivada sem o uso de pesticidas químicos, adubos sintéticos ou organismos geneticamente modificados, a banana-prata orgânica oferece todos os benefícios da banana-prata tradicional, mas com a vantagem adicional de ser cultivada de forma sustentável e ambientalmente responsável.

Banana, é uma pseudobaga da bananeira, uma planta herbácea vivaz acaule da família Musaceae (género Musa – além do género Ensete, que produz as chamadas “falsas bananas”). São cultivadas em 130 países. Originárias do sudeste da Ásia são atualmente cultivadas em praticamente todas as regiões tropicais do planeta.


Tomate EcoF Nacional

0 out of 5
240.00$ / Kg

O Tomate é uma Hortaliça de Fruto porque tem características biológicas de crescimento e desenvolvimento semelhante às frutas, mas as suas características nutricionais são mais próximas dos legumes, como por exemplo a quantidade de carbo-hidratos presentes no tomate que está mais próxima de outros legumes do que de outras frutas.


Páia d’Cana “Nova” – 750ml

0 out of 5
1,200.00$ / Unidade

Páia d’Cana “Nova” tem um trago suave e aromático com 47.0% de Volume e, um sabor agradável que deixa a um bom apreciador o sabor das ilhas na boca.

EN: Páia d’Cana “Nova” has a smooth, aromatic 47.0% Volume taste with a pleasant flavour, leaving the taste of the islands in your mouth

Nota: Este produto leva o Selo de origem da Rede para o Turismo Sustentável e Inclusivo registado pelo Instituto da Gestão da Qualidade e Propriedade intelectual (IGQPI)
Note: This product bears the Sustainable and Inclusive Tourism Network label, registered by the Institute for Quality Management and Intellectual Property (IGQPI).

Papaia EcoF Nacional

0 out of 5
140.00$ / Kg

A Papaia é uma fruta saborosa e saudável, rico em fibras e nutrientes como a vitamina C e o licopeno. 

Why Choose Organic Foods?

Organic farming produces plant and animal foods without the excessive use of chemicals. It focuses on using fertile soil along with a variety of crops to maintain healthy growing conditions which produce a food with more nutrients and less chemicals than typical commercial foods. Organic farming prohibits the growing of GM foods, a controversial issue among commercial growers.

Animals reared on organic farms are treated properly with room to behave like animals and are fed healthy food sources not laden with drugs and other chemicals.

Organic farming produces plant and animal foods without the excessive use of chemicals. It focuses on using fertile soil along with a variety of crops to maintain healthy growing conditions which produce a food with more nutrients and less chemicals than typical commercial foods. Organic farming prohibits the growing of GM foods, a controversial issue among commercial growers.

Animals reared on organic farms are treated properly with room to behave like animals and are fed healthy food sources not laden with drugs and other chemicals.

Organic farming produces plant and animal foods without the excessive use of chemicals. It focuses on using fertile soil along with a variety of crops to maintain healthy growing conditions which produce a food with more nutrients and less chemicals than typical commercial foods. Organic farming prohibits the growing of GM foods, a controversial issue among commercial growers.

Animals reared on organic farms are treated properly with room to behave like animals and are fed healthy food sources not laden with drugs and other chemicals.

Organic farming produces plant and animal foods without the excessive use of chemicals. It focuses on using fertile soil along with a variety of crops to maintain healthy growing conditions which produce a food with more nutrients and less chemicals than typical commercial foods. Organic farming prohibits the growing of GM foods, a controversial issue among commercial growers.

Animals reared on organic farms are treated properly with room to behave like animals and are fed healthy food sources not laden with drugs and other chemicals.
